“Hi Josyane! Yes, everything went so smoothly without skipping a beat! Literally, EVERYTHING went according to plan, without any hiccups, that we were so relieved and pleased throughout the entire night!. People came up to me and told me how amazed they were by the seamless production of every step of the process! People enjoyed the food, drinks, interior, music, and photo booth! The night was such a huge success! Thank you for keeping a tight ship, with high quality food and service, and delivering everything that you promised! We both kept saying that we chose the right vendors, and of course catering was a HUGE part of the night! We are so happy to have worked with a dependable person who knows the Pratt House extremely well! Thank you so much for everything! I hope you are getting some much needed rest!!! I’m so happy to not be planning anymore! I feel so liberated!!!”